Lady Clairol, you have the finger on the pulse of the women of America!
This explains why Brooke Sheilds was never blonde!
Dumb bitch.

..and the letter read:
"Chuck E. Cheese sincerely apologizes for his behavior at Billy's birthday party."
..see you at the dominatrix orgy...
..why? Because you've been a naughty...naughty wittle mousey and must be punished...
Buff Pinkerton: Gay SuperheroBill's Bayou with the very creative...
Before the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, the balloons have a little party.The hilarious LOBO with
"Travis, you promised you would use the Latex machine for good. Never evil ... "And the winner of the platinum Sheriff Star Award is
PETA has issued a strongly-worded protest letter RE: the animal testing at Franks Fetish Factory.
We are off on a camping trip next weekend. Note to self, remember my husband's cigars this time!!!
Shawanda thinks that maybe, just maybe, she could have gone a little smaller on the ass implants.Marissa with:
Just a little water retention. By next week I'll be back in my Size 2's.nonamedufus with:
Does this ass make my thong look fat?Heather Cherry with:
Most people go to the bathroom to floss their TEETH.rubbish gets the first annual "Overexplain" award for:
Hi love, any chance of taking me down the scrap yard to weigh myself?And the winner of the week is:
Disclaimer. Not sure if you have scrap yards in America but in the UK they have weigh bridges that you drive onto to weigh steel etc. in tonnes.
"Have you seen my husband? He was wearing a white tank top."
After Katrina, the Mardi Gras floats never really returned to their former glory.Anna Lefler with
That reminds me.Chaotically Calm with
I'm supposed to work the carpool drop-off line at school next week.
Wait buddies you can't go jihad without me.
Has anybody seen Kevin? Don't tell me we forgot Kevin...
Higgins, days before he learned how much he had damaged the unicycle's resale value.Reforming Geek with
"Doc said air things out a bit. People are staring. Maybe this isn't what he head in mind."mooooog35 with
Eunich-cycle.The Self Deprechaun with
Worst job in the world: Bike Seat.The winner this week has to be P.L. Frederick from Small & Big with
"Ladies, check out my banana... seat!"Feast your eyes, PL!