One thing that never gets old with me is laughing at the Bud Light radio commercials. In honor of my trip to Texas, I give you this one.
BTW, I have never understood these people. Have you ever met any? I'm sure you have. I'm stuck with these people for a week!
uh mother-in-law is wayyy to proud to be a texan. Kinda scary-like. LOL
I dunno.
Color me perv.
I kept wondering why his hand was hanging around the crotch area!
Was he gonna say, "I got your bud light...right here, baby!"
heh heh
The only thing that could have improved the video would be if he were holding a snake...
Oh yeah. They are at every major sporting event 'round here.
Budweiser is not REAL beer.
Stay cool.
*starts a slow clap*
(just kidding, everybody knows that Shiner or Lone Star are the only games in town)
Style is unique but how can I mange a big hair style.
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