
How to be a Good Tourist

It's so nice to be back home after my two weeks on vacation. I spent the bulk of my time in Spain and I really learned a lot about being a good tourist. As most people don't know, Americans have a bad reputation as obnoxious tourists. I decided to do my part and follow these dos and don'ts:

1. DO speak in a LOUD, clear voice. No mumbling!

2. DO try to work in all conversations how things are much better in the US.

3. DO assume that everyone speaks English at all times.

4. DON'T try to speak in their own language as that just encourages them and you won't understand anything at all.

These are only a few of my rules, but they work like a charm.

Oh yeah! The most important part is that after you follow all these rules, DO let everyone know that you're Canadian. This prop helps...


Da Old Man said...

Sounds like you really know the ins and outs of travel. Good to see you back.

Did you buy us anything?

feefifoto said...

Wait, you forgot one:

5. Seek out everything American no matter where you are: McDonald's, Coke, Budweiser

ReformingGeek said...

Take pictures of everything, all the time.

Welcome back and please get our T-shirts to us ASAP. I hope you left the monkeys in Spain.

David said...

@reforminggeek - sorry but all that picture taking of every crack in the sidewalk will make them think you are Japanese.

God said...

I have one of those props - it costs me loads and loads of money. Stick to a little maple leaf pin or Canadian flag patch on your backpack, so much cheaper.

The Mother said...

You forgot:

Wear five cameras,carry a guidemap, and make rude comments about the foreign women. Because none of them speak English, so you don't have to worry that they can understand you.

unfortunate names said...

i always say i'm canadian for my own safety!

Amy Mullis said...

Great post. Don't forget to ask, "Now how much is that in real money?"

Chris said...

Thanks for the hints. I'll keep that in mind.

Gianetta said...

Good rules to travel by.

Adullamite said...

Great post! However Obama has made Yanks life much easier now!

Moooooog35 said...

Here are a couple more:

1) Always wear a shirt that has the name of the country you're visiting. When in Spain, wear "Spain" or "I Heart Spain."

This way, they think you live there.

2) Whenever possible, randomly yell out "ALLAH AKBAR!" in crowded places.

The looks you'll get for your photo album are priceless.