Why? If you already know everything, then kill yourself. There's nothing left for you to learn or experience in your life, so what's the point in going on? Let the rest of us be ignorant and happy.
That's another thing! Why do you automatically think that the rest of us are stupid and have had no life experience? If I wanted you to teach me about something I would sign up for your class. Until then, shut it!
Thanks for letting me vent! If any of you try to correct my spelling/grammar or try to tell me how smart you are, I will barf all over my keyboard from your annoyingness. This is a promise!
Was that out loud?
PS-If you don't know any of these people, this means that you ARE one and should just fall off a cliff.

You're just mad that Crotchety beat you in the trivia challenge. ;)
I don't think annoyingness is a word.
You know I tend to attract "friends" who know everything.
What does that say about me?
I work with someone who acts like a know-it-all. Unfortunately, 7 times out of 10 they're wrong and have to eat their words. Damn is that fun to watch.
Come now the best part of knowing any know it all is proving him/her wrong. It makes it all worthwhile.
I read Quirky's comment and that's me. Spot on. Yes, my friends know everything and they want to tell me what to do, etc. So yes, I know them. It's not me !?!?!?!?
Excuse me while I go barf.
In all openness, I suffer from "Know-It-Lessness". If I'm reading this with correctness, you are threatening to ruin your own keyboard with pukeness while those of know-it-allness go on their annoyingnessful lives with pukelessness keyboards? LOLness reigns!
Your rant about alleged know-it-alls is completely ill-advised and wrong-headed. You should be ashamed.
Mr. Know-it-All
I don't know how you found my little blog, but I LOVE yours! Thanks for making me laugh!
I often correct a friend who forwards me the latest email scare that diet coke will kill you or someone's trying to steal the code to your car alarm. I've shown them how to use Snopes but they just dont get it. Does that make me a KIA? Maybe I should just let them try to cash those fake ecoupons, that'll teach 'em! ;-P
We've had a similar day, I take it. I suggest a nice glass of wine..or whine...whichever you prefer.
G. Constanza
I love that episode! My husband would totally do exactly what Costanza did and set up a follow up meeting with shrimp just to get another reaction. He's not very good at spite, I'm afraid.
For my part everyone ought to glance at it.
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