Just wanted to say, "Happy Halloween" to everybody!!

I hope you're having a better day than this kid!
BTW, if anyone can tell me what this guy is supposed to be, I would appreciate it.

Here is one that is time tested and mama approved-plus, it don't cost nothin'. It's called "There's a suprise in the bag!" All that's required is an old brown bag with somethin in it that is sure to git a start out of them buggers. Give a lil pitch then say, "Who wants to stick their hand in the bag first?!" Sound real peppy. Mouse traps work great!We so enjoyed, "There's a Surprise in the Bag"!! Who knew you could have so much fun with mouse traps?
"How about Marco Polo but with polo mallets? Last one standing wins."Genius! It's like Heinous is the "Halloween party idea" idiot savant! I don't have to tell you guys that that game was the "hit" of the night. One kid had his eye come out of the socket. The mom got angry, but I thought it just added to the Halloween fun! I told her it was Heinous' fault. Be expecting a call from her sometime this week. I'm sure it will be fine!