My good friend, Joe, from Crotchety Old Man Yells at Cars, is having a fancy contest where he sends his lucky winners a bag of chocolate. In a shameless attempt to get on the very handsome Joe's good side, I decided to do a post on chocolate and how much I love it!
Chocolate can be more things than you think! It can be something for everyone!
If you are a sophisticated shoe lover, then this is for you.
That's real chocolate!
If you're a very religious person, like Don over at Beyond Left Field, then this chocolate Jesus is just for you. (If you're religious in a Christian sort of way, obviously.)

If you're confused about appropriate hygiene, then you can take a chocolate bath.

If you're taste bud challenged, then chocolate covered tomatoes are perfect for you!
If you're just plain old gross you can enjoy these chocolate covered scorpions.
If you are obsessed with early 17th century Spanish literature, there is Don Quixote chocolate.
And, last but not least, something for all the guys out there. Well, not all. (I swear I didn't put this in to sway Da Old Man's opinion on who wins his chocolate.)

OMG! I am so hungry now. I'm working on a post that also talks about chocolate. I love the Don Quixote but I will pass on those chocolate boobies although I might send hubby a pair while he is away this week ;-)
OMG those shoes are amazing. If you did not tell us I would not have realized they were food. Found you through crotchety.
How could you not win based on this post? This is the best post yet.
Awesome shoes!
I'm going to win me some chocolate!!
Why is Chocolate Jesus getting his chocolate eye gouged out?
See, this is why I'm an atheist. Religion is so confusing.
@reforminggeek-Yeah, the boobs do nothing for me!
@Lauren-Thanks for stopping by! I hope you do so again!
@da old man-Yay!!!!!! I'm crossing my fingers.
@kritta-Those shoes are great, huh?!
@keely-I was wondering more why he has that haircut.
Love the shoes...and the whole post. But strangely, I'm hungry.
The scorpions look like they are in/on a Petri dish...and I learned the hard way not to eat out of those.
@scobberlotcher-Yeah, I'm hungry too!!
@captain dick-Ouch!! I'll take your word for it! :)
Dangit! First the crucifixation, and now a sharp stick in the eye!
You people are starting to piss me off!
Crucifixation? Jesus, you'd never know I went to Sunday school.
Let's try again: crucifixion.
There, all better!
Kristen, I have eaten a lot of strange food, but I have never tried scorpions and I think I would like them! A shame you did not write about chocolate covered bacon. Now that is gross!
Jesus has chosen a stylish pageboy haircut - It really is the only choice when one is sporting a festive Crown of Thorns.
I think you kept you dignity, no worries. I would totally buy the chocolate boobies for my hubby. He would get a kick out of it :o)
Wow - GREAT pics to illustrate your post. If Bee sees those chocolate shoes, they'll be gone in a flash. Good luck with the contest, I think you should be a shoe-in!
I really want those shoes in non-chocolate. Too cute!
Well who cares about dignity as long as you have chocolate...
I was going to go off about discrimination and how the booby chocolate is all about the big breasts, but then I realized, the flat-chested people are represented every day. It's called the Hershey chocolate bar.
@Jesus-I can't believe I got a comment from Jesus!!! Sorry about the whole eye poking thing. I told them it wasn't a good idea! :)
@doug-what a good christian boy!
@ettarose-I forgot all about the whole bacon thing. Where were you when I needed you? :)
@david-LOL! You're so right!!!
@ivanhoe-Thanks! I feel better now!
@bill-I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
@inst-mom-I know, I'm still looking for the real ones!
@heinous-So right! So right!
@nanny goats-LMAO!!! Good one!
How could you not win? And I totally thought you maintained your dignity, well, until I got to the chocolate boobies -- shameless!! Will you stop at nothing to get free chocolate? Yah, me too! Luckily, I won on a comment so I don't have to go out looking for chocolate va-jay-jays to try and compete with you. :D
BTW...I want a pic of someone eating those boobies..hehehe
I will never look at chocolate...or my boobs..the same again. And after I show my husband this, neither will he!
Those shoes are fabulous.
I'm buying those shoes immediately! :) btw, why didn't ya tell us you were a chocolate boob model? ;)
@angiess-I guess you won with grace. I'm not sure how to do that!
@mrsmouthy-Sorry for the mental picture!!
@ashley-I couldn't agree more.
@chat blanc-I know! I have a pretty good rack, huh?
I've been sitting here thinking about how to comment on chocoboobs. Why? Because I'm not capable of seeing a post with chocoboobs without acknowledging it in some way. I...I'll have to come back to this because...I'll just have to come back.
Oh, seriously...this is totally hilarious! The chocalate boobies are the best!
Oh my, I loved all those chocolate pics! But especially the chocolate shoes. It's like they were made for me! I'm a trying-to-be recovering chocoholic and a shoe addict!!!
I have made cakes that look a lot like the last picture.
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