
Last Week's Mom Likes Me Best Award Winners!

Sorry for my late post of last week's caption this contest. Life keeps getting in the way of my blog fun!

Honorable mentions:

Bill's Bayou had a bunch of good ones including:
Lawrence wasn't getting enough beatings in high school so he came up with this idea for his senior picture.
It's not the size of your column. It's how you use it.
Cat Lady Larew with
Nicholas poses for the cover of his new magazine, Ass Nick and Old Lace
P.L. Frederick with
“Make-up is one way to successfully hide a zit. Here's another.”

Mike WJ at too Many Mornings with
Stephen chose a highly unorthodox way to announce his sexual orientation to his mother and father.
Nooter with
moooooog35's high school yearbook photo
(hee hee!)

and Lola with
I feel pretty,
Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty and witty and gay!

And now for the winner! It's mooooooog35 the simple, yet hilarious:
Somewhere, out there, a father cries uncontrollably.


Unknown said...


Me-Me King said...

That's great, lol! Way to go moooooog!

ReformingGeek said...

That's an awesome caption. Congrats!

Moooooog35 said...

Yay me!

I shall proudly display it on my shiny new Awards page.


It sure is purty.

Bill's Bayou said...

Congrats, Moooooog35!

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

I'm so proud of you moooooog! (Almost as proud as this guy's parents are at the moment.)

nonamedufus said...

WTG moooooog!

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