Luckily, Steve is an out of work lawyer who knows his rights! I give you, Steve the lawnmower guy...

Jim slips by the Olympic substance abuse rules undetected.Shawn from The Shark Tank said,
A compelling argument against the theory of evolution.Angry Max from Pterodactyl Puke with,
"The professional sport of Running in the Opposite Direction of Chickens just wasn't working out for the young rookie."Bill's Bayou with,
Gordon Ramsey has a nervous breakdown and decides to stuff the chickens in the middle of the restaurant.Rubbish with,
Does my bum look big in this?And the winner is Staci from Just Blogged with
Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he was taped to some naked guy's crotch.
It was the ultimate playground scam, let him think he's winning whilst our accomplice sneaks up behind him with a shank.
"Soccer Mom is the best. Say it beotch. Say it!!!"Bill's Bayou with
The power of Christ compels you!Lola with
The power of Christ compels you!
The power of Christ compels you!
I do NOT look like Danny Bonaduce!And now the winner is Diesel with
"You told me bowl cuts were cool, you bastard!"You all win the coveted Sheriff Star Award:
"The face of a baby says it all.Here's another one. You're welcome. Now take on the day!
Especially the mouth part."
Jesus Portilla's friends were always playing these kinds of practical jokes on him."
Quick, Stink Boy! To the Fartmobile!
The "Team American Standard" vehicle for NASCRAP. It's driven by Dale Ripfardt.