My neighborhood is the best! We all get along so well together. For example, I have recently taken up playing the drums. I like to practice late at night in the backyard. My neighbors are really supportive. I can even hear them yelling and singing along while I play.
Wait a minute...
Oooh, can I join the band? I recently picked up a brand new (used) accordion. I can't play any songs yet, but it's pretty loud.
I think you'd make a fine neighbor a helluva lot better than my neighbors to the right (Baptist church) and across the street (Catholic church) who clog the block with tons of cars forcing me to park what feels like miles from my apartment. Of course they have it in good with the big guy in the sky so maybe I should stop complaining for fear of being lightening bolted.
LOL! That was RUDE!
When my neighbors sing too loud with their music, I dance naked at the windows. That shut them down fairly quickly.
I just wander if they will get any offers on that house ???
I'll be sure to whip up a housewarming treat in the Easy Bake!
Good luck with the band. LOL
OMG that's too funny !!!
Hey I need that sign!!
That sign rules! Keep playing the drums and let it be a cul de sac of @$$holes
Heh. I'm the PR guy for my state's Realtors association. That photo was being emailed like crazy from office to office not that long ago.
I have given you an award. Please stop by my site to check it out:
I know you're true motive, Kirsten. You're looking to drive down the price of the house next door. Now that they've listed their home as being in the blast radius of an a-hole, who'd want to buy it? That's when the dummy corporation you've set up sweeps in, buys the place at below market value, and you get a place to store the broken hearts you've been collecting all these years.
Oh my gosh -- a new trend in marketing: Telling the truth! I wonder if it will catch on.
I wish I had that sign for my yard. It would apply to every last one of my neighbors. Just one more reason that I have my house for sale.
Winks & Smiles,
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