I am going on a European adventure for the next 10 days. Hopefully I will come back with some good stories. However, while I'm gone I will be posting some "best of" posts. I should be in Italy by now. That reminds me of an old post of mine...
I really hope I run into this guy. But, what the hell would I actually say to him when I meet him? I think I would get tongue tied and ruin the moment!
Reminds me of a certain photo the kids and I snagged at the beach last summer. We named the man "speedo Torpedo". Some things just shouldn't be remembered..
Hope you are having a wonderful time, and that you are not feeling too much of my envy!
Lucky! I love going to Italy. Look for smaller crosses though. The bigger the cross, the smaller the....
Is that a cross in your speedo or are you happy to see me?
have a great time!
take me with you
I LOVE Italy. I was there in October and can't wait to go back. Have fun and be safe ... and oh, tell speedo dude whatsup!
Winks & Smiles,
He's the Italian version of Flavor Flav.
I saw him at the community pool last week. The cross made him sink in the deep end, and he had to be saved.
Well, I don't really think it will work.
That cross of his left scrape marks up and down my back and anus. Next time, I'm bringing my own date to Italy.
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