
Best of, Haiku Edition

My daughter came home with a school project that was about haikus. That got me to thinking. So, in honor of Devin, here goes an original haiku about my day...

Stressful day with kids
Going to mom-in-law's now
Beer, whine, alcohol

Not sure how to use punctuation or if things should be capitalized or not. I'm really a haiku beginner believe it or not. ; )
If any of you have a good one to share about your day, I would love to hear it!


Lidian said...

Brilliant, I love your haiku Kirsten! The last line sums up my day too, actually - just substitute sherry, and probably double the whine (seriously)...

Annoying errands,
And a thousand dirty pots
Breeding in my sink.

The Mother said...

You two are too talented. I can't do haiku.

I need a few more syllables.