Here's where Harris Bloom comes into the picture. He is hilarious and I think he needs some attention. All you have to do is vote for him here.
The good news is that is takes two seconds, you don't have to register and you need to do it every day. By putting this information up on my site, Harris has agreed to give me 20% of all future career earnings. He doesn't know this yet, but as soon as he reads this, he IS contractually obligated.
I even got my good friend, Mr. Tom Cruise in on it.
And Joe Sixpack...
And religious assholes...
My butt...
My apologies to Mrs. Harris, but I never miss an opportunity to show off my booty.
Please vote for Harris! This has nothing to do with the fact that Mr Bloom has these negatives in a secure location somewhere in the tri-state area.

Thanks guys!!
Voted, and now is he contractually committed to giving me 20%, also?
Okay I voted and can I say this?
You have a nice as..I mean butt!
Lemme guess you do the Gazelle (Tony Little)?
hee hee
Well, if Tom is on it, there should be no problem. ;-)
Also, I see that wiggly squiggly pole dancing has paid off for you!
@da old man-Yes, he is obligated to you as well.
@quirky-I owe my butt to the gazelle. Good eye!
@reforming-Thanks for noticing my fabulous butt!
I be lovin' me some Harris Bloom.
I also am quite taken with your lacy thong.
Harris is really pimping himself out, but you know what? He needs to do that. He's one of my favorite comedians. Really. He's asked me to pimp him out too, and as soon as I "feel the funny" myself, I'll give him a shout out too. But yours, definitely trumps mine, especially with the thong. Damn, girlfriend. ;)
Hilarious! I voted! :)
@david-Thanks! That thong is quite popular!
@unfinished-I had to pull out all the stops! :)
@stacy-thanks for the vote!
Ummm, OK.
I want a cut though.
Hot booty mama!
I'll vote for you too!
You are pretty good at this PR thing. The list of your successes will surely continue. When you get Will Ferrell's 20% and when Nigerian Prince you found on Craigslist actually sends you back the money you lent him threefold, please adopt me.
I voted for you because you are such a good friend - anyone willing to devote that much time and effort with photoshop deserves me to do their asking!
@mary-Okay! You get a cut too!
@deprechaun-I'll adopt you. I'm kinda like angelina jolie, but better looking.
Nice ass.
Off to vote.
thanks so much!
btw - you can vote DAILY till 3/1 - (and it really does only take two (maybe three) seconds tops!
thanks again well as your army of fans!
@petra-thanks! i get that all the time.
@harris-watch out! I have tens of fans!
I didn't think Tom Cruise swung that way, if you know what I mean.
I voted for Harris too!
I voted for Harris too!
Hey Dave et al,
(keep voting)
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