I hope you don't mind that I vent for a minute here. Election day is here already! I can't believe it! This whole process has just flown by!! I only wish that I could hear about these candidates over and over and over again for another year.
I can't tell you how sick I am of this whole thing. I'm glad we get to vote, get it over with and move on. I will not miss everyone giving me their two cents about their stupid views. If you think you will change my mind, you're an asshole. Shut up already. No one cares what you think! Oh yeah, and you can take your election yard signs and shove them up you ass while you're at it. Excuse me, Susan Sarandon, but no one gives a shit about how you're voting.
The other thing that pisses me off about this shit is that before I've had a chance to vote in California, the news is already telling me who won. As soon as the polls close back east, the election is over as far as the media is concerned. It really makes me fell like I'm a part of the process! Goddamn election!
What about Hawaii? They are Americans too as far as I can tell. The election is over before they even wake up! Sort of. Well, if you had a big night the night before and you sleep in until one o'clock in the afternoon. Americans like to party on a monday night sometimes, even if they live in the red headed step child of the states like Hawaii.
Thanks for letting me get that out of my system! Sorry if I sound a little grumpy! Now, I'm going to get my, "I Voted" sticker and go around and see how much free stuff I can get. I know Krispy Kreme is giving free coffee to those of us wearing our stickers. Does anyone know of some other freebies?
I love all comments, but if you try to tell me how to vote, I will take your laptop and shove it up your ass. Know this.
UPDATE: One more complaint. You know those yard signs that say, "The Jones Family for McCain" or Obama or Nader or whatever? I hate those even more. Who the hell are you to speak for the whole family? Your five year old could be a raging Totalitarian Neo-Marxist with leanings toward Stalinism. Have you ever bothered to ask? They certainly aren't for your candidate. Have you ever thought about how your kid is going to be treated by his friends in morning song circle? Everyone knows that kindergarteners have Stalinist tendencies these days.

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