
Should You Be Allowed to Vote?

I'm glad to know that I can vote in the election! Are you ready? I got enough correct to look like I know some stuff, but not too many so I look like a nerd. My result says that I know what I'm talking about, but I still find time for a social life! At least that's what I tell myself. : ) What does your result say about you?

You Should Be Allowed to Vote

You got 12/15 questions correct.

Generally speaking, you're very well informed.

If you vote this election, you'll know exactly who (and what) you'll be voting for.

You're likely to have strong opinions, and you have the facts to back them up.

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Queen-Size funny bone said...

i better start studying, ugh

Chat Blanc said...

I'm not sure I should even be allowed to drive, but the quiz says I should be allowed to vote! woohoo! :)

Vodka Mom said...

I'm a horrible test taker. I'm proud to say I've passed that gene along to my children.

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo - I'm eligible...but I'm not sure that knowing the current Sec of Defense proves much for when I must decide on the candidate I prefer.

Fun quiz.

ReformingGeek said...

I got 12 out of 15 but I had to get help. I'll be glad when the election is over!

Da Old Man said...

13 out of 15. Who cares who the President of France is, anyway?

Unknown said...

Sweet, I'm allowed to vote.

Anonymous said...

Yes! 15 for 15!!

Had to laugh though when I read the word "penal" in one of the questions. So maybe I shouldn't really be voting after all...