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The referee had an imaginative way of saying that it was 'fourth and long.'
Desperate for sex, Randy misunderstands when someone in the stand told him that 'Eli Manning sucked.'
Bill prepares to unveil his very own 'New York Giant.'
Get down, get down. You can't touch this!
Gerris Wilkinson turns down the referee's request to blow up his football.
Great captions!
"Let's get jiggy with it", Big Boy!
Eli Manning Sucked...Moooog wins.
Off sides!
hey big boy, how bout if i put this ball between your uprights then we can go back to my place and practice our illegal procedures? yeah?
'big ben' was going to be seen at the super bowl, one way or another
Five...Five Dolla...Five Dolla Foot Looooong.
Distracted by recent economic woes, The Toe sees his streaker snapped
"Go deep! GO DEEP!"
Personal foul or foul person? You decide.
Super Bowl? I'll show you my Super Bowel!
Yet another reason why football needs to eliminate the touchdown dance. You knew eventually someone was going to take it too far.
You may probably be very interested to know how one can make real money on investments.
There is no need to invest much at first.
You may begin to get income with a sum that usually goes
on daily food, that's 20-100 dollars.
I have been participating in one project for several years,
and I'll be glad to share my secrets at my blog.
Please visit my pages and send me private message to get the info.
P.S. I earn 1000-2000 per day now.
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OMG..have to go with Anonymous' comment there!
Is that what is written on the label?
Ticket to football game $40
A bottle of beer $8
A naked referee...
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