
WOW! I'm pretty good!

I sometimes read the following blog: http://ringtailsquealer.blogspot.com

She is very funny and gives out an award that I will post underneath. Now, I know my mom looks at my blog and my friends say the do, but I know they just skim for their names and don't really read. At least that's probably what I would do. So, the jokes on them! It's just between you, my reader(s) and me. Please know that I in no way was awarded this award, but if everything goes right, my mom and friends will think I did and no one gets hurt. Shhhh...

Please go to the link above to see who really won...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Keep it up!

Roufa Tav Gosou & Mimi Lass said...

metropolismom doesn't read either! You actually ARE very clever!

Anonymous said...

Thats funny and clever for sure...
Great way to check if...ppl actually even read the blog...
I guess I may try this out on my blog too... ;)

TheGRITS.com said...

Too funny! Your blog is WONDERFUL! Thanks so much for connecting with me over at BlogCatalog. I look forward to more clever and witty writings from you. Have a great weekend!