Now go check out my friends' blog contests. Ettarose and nonamedufus

While visiting a friend, Tom hoped to visit the county fair. Tom's friend was more than happy to loan him some "festive" clothes for the occasion. Unfortunately for Tom, who is totally blind, his friend has a sick sense of humor.Bill's Bayou with
Coincidentally, Saint Joseph's elementary school no longer has it's annual "Bring Your Father To School" day.Me-Me King with
Melvin embraces the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.Lola with
Mardi Gras at Bert's place. Bert, if I give you my beads, promise not to flash me your melons, k?
That melon diet can be tricky but I'm willing to try if I can just get my head around it.
Jethro, their first born was such a turkey that Betty-Jo and Cleetus hoped to have better luck with their next child.
Glenn Roy was pleased to find that Becky Lee's daddy still included the dead turkey dowry even though it was a shot gun wedding.Single&Married with
ummm...he is checking to see if she is done yet?mooooog35 with
(he knows the turkey isnt, duh)
Linda decides to play it safe and include both potential fathers of her baby in the picture.and one for my mom,
She's wearing white after Labor Day?!?!?Now for the winner of the Mom Likes Me Best Award! She happens to be one of the coolest bloggers around, Quirkyloon with the very creative,
(Alanis Morrisette voice)Thanks for playing everyone!
"I'm red-necked, and I'm laughin,
I'm dumb, but I'm knocked up.
I'm not sure it's his baby.
"And what it all boils down to,
Is that Bubba hasn't got it figured out just yet.
Cuz he's got one hand on my belly and the other one is holding a turkey leg!"
Look at that. Someone's gone a thrown away a perfectly good white boy.nonamedufus with
When Bubba asked Sue to pick him up a Tall Boy at the supermarket she decided to get one for herself.mooooog35 with
People in Kentucky just looooove their lawn ornaments.
Number one survival tactic against the zombies: offer a sacrificial redneck.ALL of the entries were great, but here is this week's winner:
Thank you for joining us today at, "Bubba Land" and riding the, "Tooth Extractor" for your safety keep your arms and legs inside the basket at all times and keep seated until the ride comes to a complete stop...
I find the emptiness of the post to be a comment on the gestalt of man's duality in cyberspace. Note how the lack of form and movement mirrors our on vacuous zeitgeist.Duh! Thanks for understanding, Bill. Let that be a lesson for all of us.