
Thanks for Dropping Me!

I would like to give my top ten Entrecard droppers a gift for visiting me for at least 10 seconds every day!

Let's begin!

The Junk Drawer
I thought she could use an economical/green way to organize her junk. You're welcome!

Rocket Scientist

I have a very educated following, as you can see by the Rocket Scientist visiting me for further education. In case there is something that I miss on this blog, here is a quick reference book for you to keep up on the latest in rocket science.

Next, we have ThemeLib. What to get someone who does templates, etc.? I guess an html joke would be good. Please for your enjoyment:

All Blogspot Templates
is number four dropper. I have already used up my hilarious send up of hyper text markup language. What to get this one? Who doesn't want a, "Yay for you!"?

It's gonna be hard to upstage that one, but here goes. We're at our halfway point with numero cinco. The Exaggerator. Since I give this one the best prize of all. It's one of my old posts pertaining to a Nigerian scam artist. This is the subject of The Exaggerator's last post. Here it is. It might just make you laugh. It's a great way to handle those people.

Parental Instincts comes next. I thought I would give my two cents on parental instincts.

And my favorite!

Number seven comes to us from Over a Cup of Barako. Barako gets my version of a good coffee mug.

Beyond Left Field
is number eight. He wants to be Popeye in his next life.

I ask him to reconsider.

The second to last honoree is Lola's Diner. Lola loves a little diner humor.

Last, but not least, it's Lilaphase. No offense to her husband, but he tells terrible jokes and she has to endure this. Here is a book that is surely likely to have better jokes than his Barbie one.

Until next month, we are finished with the Entrecard Awards.


Lola said...

Your welcome!

Neat idea with the images.

Chat Blanc said...


Bee said...

Well it's a good thing I don't have cuz because let me tell ya'! ;o)

Granny Annie said...

Oh, I'm so jealous. Hopefully my new satellite connection on tuesday will allow me to follow you more often and I can be in your top ten. However, I don't think I could top the ones you already have. Only one question: "Who wants to wake a baby?"

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is the funniest, most complex Top 10 droppers list I've ever seen. Thanks for the link and the gift. Trust me, I could use it. I love the html joke, btw.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't comment last night because my browser was acting up.

No one's ever given me a rocket science reference before. *Sniff* I'm touched.